Sunday, August 27, 2006

Daryl Hannah: "get a bike and RIDE it"

You've probably seen her associated with green causes - driving a grease-powered El Camino, eating organic, treesitting with J. Butterfly and John Quigley in the South Central Farm....

She now has a pretty funky "vlog", (video log) called "dhlove life" --a great idea, and I bet she has a ton of fun creating it. She picks cool snippets of sustainable living - biodiesel, farmers markets, vegan "junk food", and now bike ridin'(!), and shoots short, hip segments, interviewing people doing their wild green thang.

This weeks vlog is all about bikes - why more Angelenos are riding them, (gas prices, gas prices, gas prices), what we love about them, and what all this business about "Critical Mass" is.

There's a few shots of chicks fixing bikes that I found particularly rad.

And perhaps my favorite quote on bikes: "How could you not have one? It's like having a toothbrush, you just hafta have one!"

Would that we all felt that way, we'd have fewer medical AND dental issues.....


DS said...

Nice quote. I've been riding just now and I completely agree.

Anna said...

Thanks for checking in, what could be more pleasant than an agreeable rider?